Taste notes

Day 1 - Arrival in the afternoon, which will be dedicated to relaxing while tasting a delicious aperitif in the peaceful surroundings of the hotel park. Exclusive dinner in a local restaurant enjoying a four-course menu with the queen of Mugello, the Florentine steak, and a bottle of local wine selected by the Maître. Return to the hotel for an overnight stay.

Day 2 - Breakfast and visit to a local farm to learn about cheese production with the tasting of their products. Free afternoon to visit the magnificent villages of Mugello. Return to the hotel for a truffle-based dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3 - Breakfast and departure for a visit to the workshop of a master chocolatier: tasting of various chocolate products and two-hour lesson "with hands on chocolate" to make a chocolate bar and other handmade delicacies. End of the tour.